Passive Skill: Increases clan members' Shield Def. Rate by 12%/20%/24%.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' Shield Def. by 24%/40%/48%.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' Stun resistance by 12/20/24.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' Hold resistance by 12/20/24.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' Sleep resistance by 12/20/24.
Passive Skill:: Increases clan members' Speed by 3/5/6.
Passive Skill: Decreases clan members' XP loss and item drop rate by 30%/50% when killed by another character, and by 12%/25% when killed by a monster.
Passive Skill: Grants the right to open a command channel.
Active Skill:Cancels all debuff of nearby clan members.
Active Skill: Instantly teleports the surrounding clan members to the nearest village.
Active Skill:Make nearby Clan members invincible for 10 sec.
Active Skill:Increases the Speed of nearby clan members by 40 for 15 sec.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' PvE Damage by 5%.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' PvP Damage by 5%.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' Skill Power by 5%.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' Attribute Attack Bonus by 50.
Passive Skill: Increases clan members' P.Atk and M.Atk by 3%
Residence Body: Increase Max HP by 700.
Residence Spirit: Increase Max CP by 1200.
Residence Soul: Increase Max MP by 400.
Residence Health: Increase Healing Power by 6%.
Residence Moral: Increase CP Regeneration by 25%.
Residence Clarity: Lower Mana Consumption by 7%
Residence Might: Increase P.Atk by 5%
Residence Shield: Increase P.Def by 4%
Residence Empower: Increase M.Atk by 6%
Residence Magic Barrier: Increase M.Def by 4%
Residence Movement: Increase Speed by 6.
Residence Typhon Resist: Increase Water, Wind, Holy resistance by 10.
Residence Lava Resist: Increase Fire, Earth, Dark resistance by 10.
Residence Vigilance: Increase Sleep Resist by 10.
Residence Fortitude: Increase Stun Resist by 10.
Residence Freedom: Increase Hold Resist by 10.
Residence Guidance: Increase Accuracy by 4.
Residence Agility: Increase Evasion by 4.
Residence Shield Block: Increase Shield Defense by 20%.
Residence Shield Defense: Increase Shield Defense by 225.
Residence Death Fortune: Decreases clan members' XP loss on death by 30%
Residence Guard: Increase Drop and Spoil rates by 15%
Shanty Fortress:
Increase Max HP by 700.
Increase Shield Defense by 20%.
Southern Fortress:
Increase Shield Defense by 20%.
Increase Water, Wind, Holy resistance by 10.
Hive Fortress:
Increase Evasion by 4.
Increase Fire, Earth, Dark resistance by 10.
Valley Fortress:
Increase Drop and Spoil rates by 15%
Lower Mana Consumption by 7%
Increase Stun Resist by 10.
Ivory Fortress:
Increase CP Regeneration by 25%.
Increase Hold Resist by 10.
Narsell Fortress:
Increase Sleep Resist by 10.
Increase Healing Power by 6%.
Bayou Fortress:
Increase P.Atk by 5%
Increase M.Atk by 6%
White Sands Fortress:
Increase M.Def by 4%
Increase Max MP by 400.
Borderland Fortress:
Decreases clan members' XP loss on death by 30%
Increase Max CP by 1200.
Increase Hold Resist by 10.
Swamp Fortress:
Increase Accuracy by 4.
Increase P.Def by 4%
Archaic Fortress:
Increase Max HP by 700.
Increase Sleep Resist by 10.
Floran Fortress:
Increase Accuracy by 4.
Increase Hold Resist by 10.
Could Mountain Fortress:
Increase Stun Resist by 10.
Increase M.Atk by 6%
Decreases clan members' XP loss on death by 30%
Tanor Fortress:
Increase Fire, Earth, Dark resistance by 10. Increase Speed by 6.
Increase CP Regeneration by 25%.
Dragonspine Fortress:
Increase M.Def by 4%
Increase Water, Wind, Holy resistance by 10.
Antharas Fortress:
Increase Shield Defense by 225.
Increase M.Atk by 6%
Western Fortress:
Decreases clan members' XP loss on death by 30%
Increase Drop and Spoil rates by 15%
Increase P.Def by 4%
Increase Shield Defense by 20%.
Hunters Fortress:
Increase Drop and Spoil rates by 15%
Increase P.Atk by 5%
Increase Evasion by 4.
Aaru Fortress:
Increase Max MP by 400.
Lower Mana Consumption by 7%
Demon Fortress:
Increase CP Regeneration by 25%.
Increase Max CP by 1200.
Monastic Fortress:
Increase Max HP by 700.
Increase Healing Power by 6%.
Gludio Castle
Gludio Territory Benediction STR / INT +1
Increase Healing Power by 6%.
Increase Stun Resist by 10.
Increase Accuracy by 4.
Dion Castle
DionTerritory Benediction DEX / WIT +1
Increase Max CP by 1200.
Increase P.Def by 4%
Increase Speed by 6.
Giran Castle
Giran Territory Benediction STR / MEN +1
Increase Evasion by 4.
Increase Max MP by 400.
Decreases clan members' XP loss on death by 30%
Oren Castle
Oren Territory Benediction CON / MEN +1
Increase Max HP by 700.
Increase M.Atk by 6%
Increase Fire, Earth, Dark resistance by 10.
Aden Castle
Aden Territory Benediction DEX / MEN +1
Increase P.Atk by 5%
Increase Shield Defense by 20%
Increase Sleep Resist by 10.
Innadril Castle
Innadril Territory Benediction CON / INT+1
Lower Mana Consumption by 7%
Increase M.Atk by 6%
Increase Hold Resist by 10.
Goddard Castle
Goddard Territory Benediction DEX / INT +1
Increase Max HP by 700.
Increase CP Regeneration by 25%.
Increase Shield Defense by 225.
Rune Castle
Rune Territory Benediction STR / WIT +1
Increase Max HP by 700.
Increase M.Def by 4%
Increase Water, Wind, Holy resistance by 10.
Schuttgart Castle
Schuttgart Territory Benediction CON / WIT +1
Decreases clan members' XP loss on death by 30%
Increase Max MP by 400.
Increase Accuracy by 4.